No, your zodiac sign has not changed.

I've never seen more false news articles in my life. People who follow or are entertained by astrology in the west, use a chart based on the seasons, not on constellations, so this "new" sign has no effect on your sign.

see here:

and here:


  1. So reading from either sign and picking the best is a bad thing. This can lead people into be indecisive and we don't need a world full of indecisive people. I'm just saying....

  2. I don't see anything that says read from either sign and pick the best one. Where are you getting that from?

    "He who hesitates is sometimes saved."
    James Thurber

  3. Kelley said it's not the case. (?!?) I am disappointed because my sign talks about some jubilant, dynamic person who is so not me. I guess I need to change myself to suit my sign.


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