Before it gets too far into this month though, let me tell you that if you're living in or visiting Japan, October is a good time to be here. The weather is perfect - not too hot, not too cold, but more importantly, they celebrate Oktoberfest. The Japanese are very quiet during the day. You can walk down the busiest of streets with your foreign looking face and won't get as much as a nod of acknowledgement that you even exist. But once it gets dark or just off the main streets, I swear I'm in another better world. People are happy, smiling and sometimes...
sometimes they are drinking. There are a number of Oktoberfest events that, though expensive (around 1,000 yen for beer), its worth it for the experience. Singing, dancing, and cheersing(?)! What more can you ask for in a place where nobody knows your name? But don't cheers too hard... there are people walking around with signs just in case you forget. See below:
You may be wondering why I took a picture of this rather large framed gaijin (foreignor in japan). No, not because he's one of the few white guys that were there. No, not because he looks like he's invoking Julius Caesar and is pretending that all the applause and accolades are for him. Its because of this:
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