Happy New Year! from Tokyo, Japan

New Year's Eve - Shibuya - Tokyo, Japan

Like Times Square, except without all the barriers, police, rules etc. and you don't have to arrive 8 hours ahead to get a good spot. Much more fun unless you're looking for a countdown clock.

Some foreignors in the mix.

Mass amount of people.

Happy people.

Crazy people.

Many hand gestures but the peace sign still rules them all.

This guy was hurting after the NYE International push-up competition. See video here.

If you haven't guessed. Its year of the bunny.

Bunny Girls!

This guy just did a backflip. See here.

It was particularly difficult to find out what was going on NYE for the non-japanese speaker/reader. There was a celebration at the Tokyo Tower and you could definitely find a random party in Roppongi.  Most natives go visit the shrines for a more traditional beginning to the new year. The usually modest shrine closest to me, had a line (or queue) 7 people wide and 3 blocks long for 2 days. These shrines are a must-see this time of year. Beautiful decorations, traditional dress, souvenirs, and food everywhere make a very festive atmosphere all week long. Many businesses are closed, which is why many websites consider this a bad time to visit Tokyo. But all of the main areas are still open and there are huge sales on everything. These sales almost make the prices of their merchandise reasonable. Well almost...
