Rabbit Hole (2010) *Nicole Kidman - Don't See!

Rabbit Hole is something you watch on a Sunday afternoon when you're too hungover to change the channel. It is a sad story about a married couple who suffered a great loss and how they're dealing with it 8 months later. The guy is a relatable (is that a word?) character but the woman (Nicole Kidman) is just weird and kind of mean. Understandable I suppose, but not relatable. You don't like the character so you don't sympathize with her, which is the biggest "hole" in this film. Unless you're in a bad/somber mood and want to stay that way – do not see this movie. Ugh, what a waste!

Btw, before I buy (download for free) a movie I usually check out its reviews on yahoo movies. Rabbit Hole got a B average rating from the critics and a B+ from the users (people like us). This usually means its going to be a good pick but I just checked back and only 116 people had reviewed it! Dammit, I should've known! It needs atleast 1,000 peeps before its a legitimate number! I messed up and I paid for it dearly. Don't do the same.
