Preggers, you thought the worst of it was over. They lied! YES, there is a 4th trimester and it'll make your head spin. The 1st three months after the birth of your newly born milk vampire will consist of sleep deprivation, painful nipple torture and endless amounts of the three p's (pee, poop and puke)! Life will suck, literally, but I have found that there are 10 things that will help the most. They are essential so get them now before its too late!
In no particular order:
1. The Boppy
This little u-shaped pillow wraps around your tender tummy while your trying to feed your baby without crying out from the pain. Yeah its overpriced, but unless you want to make it yourself, go get it.
2. The Snoogle
This glorified pillow is actually essential for the month's before your little womb jacker's prison break. Sleeping can be extremely difficult with the extra "35lbs" on your belly (and hips and thighs). The snoogle will help alleviate some of the excess weight, will help you get to sleep and will replace your significant other.
3. Gel Pads/ Lilly Pads
You don't need these. Your nipples do! I don't know how these things work. I suppose I could look it up, but who cares. They soothe/heal your abused nipples. They also keep that precious milk from leaking through your bras and pajamas (your new uniform).
4. The Glider
Rocking back and forth helps your baby fall asleep. Nuff' said.
5. Co-sleeper
That room you just set-up for the baby...maybe it'll be used next year but right now that baby is in your room. Don't put him/her in your bed to be possibly smushed, bumped, nudged. The co-sleeper is like a bed sidecar. What you haven't heard your baby squeak in 2.375 minutes and need to check up on him?? Just open your eyes. He's right there.
6. Swaddle Blankets w/ Velcro
Babies need to be swaddled to feel comfortable. I didn't want to buy these cause I can swaddle my child with my own damn blankets. But these things make it oh so much easier!
7. Hardware
Strollers (with stupid names), car seats (built like we're all nascar drivers), changing station (or convenient place for changing diapers), diaper genie (you don't want these your baby's grenades in a regular garbage can), bouncers(cause you need to put your baby down sometimes).
8. Software
BabyBjorn or other carrier/Baby sling (walking the baby around in these things will put them to sleep and give you two hands to attemp to do other things than just feed/change/sleep/repeat), diapers(oh there will be many diapers), bibs, onesies, burp cloths (yes burp cloths).
9. Maternity Clothes/Nursing Bras/Comfortable Footwear
In case you ever make it out of the house.
10. Breastfeeding
Amongst many other reasons, this is the #1 best way to calm a frantic upset baby. Plus it burns 500 calories a day --- hello chocolate milkshakes!
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